VULNERABILITY MULTIPLIED: The Nexus of Climate Change and Human Trafficking

After a lot of hard work, the staff of the Human Trafficking Center published its most recent report on the multiplying effect of climate change, with its own risks and vulnerable populations, on human trafficking vulnerability. You can read the Executive Summary of the report below: “Anti-trafficking efforts have been effective at identifying the widespreadContinue reading “VULNERABILITY MULTIPLIED: The Nexus of Climate Change and Human Trafficking”


Who are the Roma?  Roma, or Romani peoples, are a traditionally nomadic ethnic group that are predominantly located in Europe, with significant diaspora populations in the Americas. ‘Roma’ is an umbrella-term that encompasses numerous and diverse groups, including ‘Traveller’ populations such as gens du voyage, Gypsies, and Camminanti. The European Union estimates that there are 10 to 12 millionContinue reading “MARGINALIZED AND VULNERABLE: Trafficking of Roma”